Friday, April 19, 2013

What You Need to Know About a Tummy Tuck Procedure

Abdominoplasty, more popularly known as tummy tuck is among the most popular plastic surgery procedures which aims to give the patients a smooth and tight abdomen. This is done by eliminating loose skin and stretch marks due to weight gain and/or weight loss and pregnancy. Tummy tuck was once only popular with women but today it has increased in popularity among both men and women.

There are various surgical procedures available to get the finest abdominoplasty results according to the patient’s condition. The technique is typically done under general anesthesia and takes around 3 to 4 hours. 

The Best Candidate for a Tummy Tuck Procedure?

 People who have flabby tummies or with loose and saggy tummy skin, weak abdominal muscles due to aging or pregnancy or those with stretch marks or surgical scars. A person who decides to undergo tummy tuck surgery should also be mentally and physically healthy. He or she should also have realistic prospects and emotionally stable. If a person has all these, you can be a good tummy tuck patient.

If you are a healthy person who is worried about your flabby abdominal muscles, extra skin or stubborn fat deposits that don’t respond to exercise or diet then a tummy tuck must be the solution to your problem. 

Tummy Tuck Procedure Recovery

After the procedure, it is only normal to experience discomfort and pain. It is also normal to feel numbness, bruising and swelling on the surgical area for several days. You will be asked to wear a support garment which can be worn for about one month. Most people can return to your normal routine in about two weeks. However, recuperation time can differ among people. Physical tasks that involve the tummy muscles must be avoided for 3 months.

Any cosmetic surgery procedure is a serious decision. It needs a lot of thinking and weighing over of things. Consult with your surgeon and discuss any concerns you have prior to the surgery. Learn more about tummy tuck costs in Dallas.

Treat Yourself to a Complete Mommy Makeover

Thinking of a mommy makeover Dallas Tx?

There is nothing compared to being a mother. There is the fulfillment of taking care of the kids while there is hard work, of course. Most mothers spend too much time taking care of the house and the kids but don’t have the time to take care of themselves. In the end, they become unhappy with the person that they have become. Some of them have issues with their weight and their overall appearance but find little time to exercise and to follow a healthy diet.

The truth for most moms is that there is simply not enough time for them to do things for themselves or even if they have, they might be too tired to do so. If you want to restore your pre-pregnancy figure and become as sexy as you had once been, you can think of having a mommy makeover. This way, you can take care of your family while still catching your husband’s eye.

If you are not accustomed to the thought of plastic surgery and don’t want to undergo various surgeries, you might consider having a complete mommy makeover. This technique enables the surgeon to do body sculpting, breast reconstruction, tummy tuck and liposuction at one time. These are the regions that are affected most after a woman undergoes childbirth and multiple pregnancies and therefore are the best places to restore.

If you are entertaining the thought of having a mommy makeover, be sure that there is someone to help you temporarily with your kids and house. You will need enough rest after the surgery in order for you to recover quickly and for your body to heal completely. Depending on the areas your doctor had for surgery, your recovery time can vary. When you have completely recovered and the swelling has disappeared, you will surely be pleased to see your old body back. I say, “Go for it because you deserve it, mom!”

Thursday, April 18, 2013

How to Choose a Medical Spa Encino

A medical spa is a hybrid between a medical clinic and a day spa that runs under the supervision of medical doctor. Medical spas can treat conditions on your own face and body like brown spots, redness, and broken capillaries that may not be addressed at all times effectively by a traditional esthetician.

Medical spa menus vary, but you can usually get also get medical spa treatments like laser treatments, laser hair removal, IPL (intense pulsed light) treatments, microdermabrasion, photofacials, injectables like Botox and fillers, aggressive chemical peels and epidermis tightening or skin rejuvenation.

Medical spas tend to have a very clinical atmosphere than day spas. But numerous also offer soothing services like massage and body treatments. Some medical spas have a wellness focus and offer services like acupuncture, health counseling and naturopathic doctor consultations.

Questions You Should Ask Before You Select A Medical Spa
  • Who owns and operates the medical spa? Could it be purchased by a doctor? Is actually he in fact in the premises supervising operations and doing remedies? Rules fluctuate     from state to state. A medical doctor usually has got to oversee the procedures practiced in a medical spa, but this does not always mean he is obviously (or ever!) on the premises. Occasionally doctors lend their names to medical     spas but have quite little involvement.
  • Who can feel performing the procedure? What is the licensing and training of the people whom     tend to be actually doing the services? Exactly how long have they been doing the     procedure? This might be exclusively important with laser hair reduction. Numerous     states don't require any permit whatsoever, and you possibly can feel badly burned     -- practically -- if someone doesn't know what they're doing. Ask for     prior to and after photos of their work.
  • Exactly what kind of equipment do they utilize? Whenever did they choose     it? Prices for medical spa     remedies like laser and skin tightening (or skin rejuvenation) tend to be maximum     because the equipment itself is expensive. Research the character of stuff     they use for the treatment you're interested in, because it's a complex     field and the technologies is obviously changing. You really want one particular up-to-date, least painful technology for procedures like skin     tightening.
  • Exactly what will these procedures realistically do for me? Occasionally doctors and aesthetic surgeons open medical     spas as an adjunct to their practice, so that they can sell more services. You may give more credence to a doctor's recommendations that you get microdermabrasion or laser remedies. Don't lose your very own critical judgment simply because a doctor is recommending a treatment.
Discover a new place to relax and rejuvenate by going here.

Tips for a Safe Cosmetic Surgery Plano

There are some things you should think about when deciding on any cosmetic surgery procedures and these include quality, safety and results. Here are some things you can do to have a safe and successful cosmetic surgery.

Any cosmetic surgical procedure aims to improve the physical appearance and function of the body. It is an artistic challenge for cosmetic surgeons while still providing a meaningful experience for their patients. A patient’s health and safety must be the surgeon’s priority.

Know your surgeon’s formal training and academic profile in the field of cosmetic and reconstructive surgery. It would take around 6 to 8 years of recognized training in aesthetic, burns and reconstructive surgery at a recognized institution after his medical studies. Today, there are plenty of doctors who perform cosmetic surgery procedures even if they are board certified though not in plastic surgery. It won’t be sufficient for a physician to undergo months or just a years or training in non-accredited establishments in order for them to master all applications and principles of cosmetic procedures.

A good surgeon should be able to assess whether a patient is a good candidate for a certain procedure. He should be able to discuss with his patients all possible alternatives and their associated advice and risks of the procedure needed to achieve your desired outcomes. 

A surgeon should be knowledgeable enough to tell you about alternative non-surgical or less invasive procedures that can produce your needed results. He must also be able to tell you about the advantages and disadvantages of various techniques.

As a patient you should also understand that there is no standard cosmetic procedure that will satisfy the needs of all patients. Every patient must be treated differently because each of us has our self definition of good looks.

Never go for the cheapest surgeon or don’t be deceived with impractical offers. A surgeon should give you the details of his specialization and training. Talk to a certified cosmetic surgeon here.

What You Need to Know About Thigh Lift

Thigh lift has become an interesting topic and this article aims to give you the basic information you need to know about the procedure such as how much it costs, expected recovery time and what to expect from the results.

Thigh lift costs around $8000 on the average. For patients who have undergone thigh lift and found the procedure worth it, the agreement was that the technique was effective in getting rid of extra skin after weight loss. But there are cautions given for the possibility of scars and uneven results.

When asked about the expected recovery time, a surgeon answered that a patient needs 2 weeks for initial activity and 8 to 12 weeks for complete recovery. The first two weeks of recovery are crucial for a thigh reduction procedure. At this time, it is critical that swelling is managed and that incisions are given ample time to completely heal.

Some patients are confused about between liposuction and thigh lift. The former procedure leads to greater loose skin. But there are a lot of technologies that aim to tighten the skin such as laser liposuction, Velashape and Thermage. However, for excessive skin laxity, a thigh lift is the best solution. Look for a surgeon that has a wide experience and provides all these technologies so that you can select the best option for your condition.

Some people are interested in knowing if a medial thigh lift can tighten the back of thighs. This procedure is aptly named as it lifts a patient’s medial thighs. Lifting the back thigh is actually done through a buttock lift. However, the buttock lift gives a flat buttock with negligible posterior thigh lift. Therefore, if you want your middle thigh lifted, go for a medial thigh lift and if you want a back thigh lift, get a buttock lift and anticipate a slight back thigh correction.

Learn more about thigh lift and other cosmetic surgery procedures.